A traitor a deserved term, a foolish traitor perhaps a better one. For look at what has become to the oath of allegiance to Thee, a fallen leaf at the mercy of the wind, so weak, so vulnerable, that the cheap allurements of the material world is capable of purchasing our loyalty from Thee. O the insult, to Thee and ourselves, that love can be compromised so easily, yet certainly love purchased is a love that never was. For how can it be love without loyalty to Thee? How can it be love when sincere time with Thee is all but minimal? And how can it be love when the actual yearning for proximity is to other than Thee? O we cry when others are unjust to our own selves, yet we commit the same crime to Thee!
O the betrayal, punishment therefore our deserved fate, yet forgiveness is Thou offer! How? To a traitor that will no doubt betray again, a traitor who turns to Thee in times of need while neglecting Thee in times of ease, yet Thou still helps! How? And how do we repay this undeserved reprieve? Do we stand before Thee shamefully? Or do we foolishly and audaciously abuse Thou Compassion with our continued neglect? O what a miserable condition an honest reflection unveils, that our declaration of love to Thee fails to move far beyond words.
salaam un alaykum!!!!
i luv it...bro! everything hat was there reflects truth. I it something i need to reflect on. its like a dua...mashallah...It can change someone inshallah....
take care bro...
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